Bike Safety Tips For Cyclist Riding On The Road

Freeway Law
2 min readJul 27, 2021
biking in the park

Accidents involving falls and cars are the most common before riding. It could result in serious or long-term injuries and even death. Riders must be equipped with knowledge about bike safety tips for cyclist riding on the road to avoid an accident. In 2019, did you know that:

  1. It’s between 6 PM and 9 PM when most bicycle accidents that resulted in death happen.
  2. Death caused by bike accidents happens commonly in urban areas.
  3. The accident death rate in a bicycle is 6 times higher for male bikers.
  4. One out of four bicycle accidents is due to drinking alcohol before or while riding a bike.

Riding a bicycle could also be dangerous when the rider is not that knowledgeable in different safety habits and protocols. You must practice riding responsibly at all times. Here are road safety tips for bike riders that will help you avoid an accident.

1. Always Inspect Your Equipment Before Riding

Checking your bike and equipment is very important when riding a bicycle. If all parts of the bike are working properly, it will help to keep you safe on your ride.

  • Make sure that you have adjusted the seat to the proper height.
  • All parts of the bike must be working accordingly
  • Maintain correct tire pressure
  • The bike must have reflectors
  • It is recommended that the bike is equipped with a headlight, horn, and rear-view mirror.

2. Wear A Helmet

Riders should know why is it important to wear a helmet while riding a bike. Helmets are proven to help avoid life-changing injuries. This safety gear is very essential when riding bikes on the road. Serious injury in the upper or head area which could cause death will be minimized. Never wear a helmet that has been used when involved in a previous accident. The structural integrity of the helmet could be compromised already and will no longer give full protection.

3. Ride At Your Comfortable Speed

Don’t ride so fast when there are other vehicles or pedestrians nearby. Ride at a speed where you have full control of the bike. Know your limits in getting too fast on a bike. Always consider the road, traffic, and weather condition. Riding bikes on the road slowly give riders time to react if there are hazards.

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Originally published at on July 27, 2021.



Freeway Law

Freeway Law is an award-winning personal injury and car accident attorneys.